Welcome to Kashshops

Get Your Own Online Store

Advantage of Seller at Kashshops

Start Your Own Online Store

Start your online selling store at Kashshops. Grow your business and get more customer and more sale, from anywhere.

No Registration Fee

There is no any registration charges to become a seller on Kashshops. Just start your online business.

No Shipping Charges

Seller have no need to pay shipping charges for the order delivery to customers. Kashshop will do for our sellers.

Lowest Commission Cost

Kashshops charge 20% on every single order of sellers. There is no any hidden charges anymore.

How Register at Kashshops

GSTIN Details

GSTIN Registration is must to be seller at kashshops. It mandatory to sell your products online.

Cancelled Cheque

A cancelled cheque is mandatory. To deposited your order amount. In your Account safely.

Identity Proof

Upload your Identity Proof to be verified seller at kashshops. And get more customers who trust your Store at kashshops.

One Products to Sell

Be ready to add at least on product on your store to online visibility of your store

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